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    Frequently Asked Questions.

    Know Your Roll

    The Pot Spot management believes that our consumers should thoroughly know their rolls to enjoy and experience a memorable cannabis experience. We have answered some frequently asked questions for our new and old consumers.

    If you are new cannabis consumer, you must know how cannabis works to enjoy the adventure. Since the effects of cannabis can vary among individuals remember to start low and go slow.

    The main active cannabinoid in cannabis plant is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the most common compound found in cannabis plant which makes you feel “High”. When consumed in edible form, it becomes Hydroxy-11- THC version. The effects of edible consumption is stronger, long-lasting and heavy compared to consumption via inhalation.

    The second most active compound in cannabis plant is cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is know for its intoxicating properties to provide a relaxing experience, it is also commonly used to treat anxiety, insomnia and chronic pains. It encourages our body to release its own naturally occurring cannabinoids.

    Terpenes are organic fragrant oils found in cannabis plants. Terpenes produce the aroma and flavors of cannabis, it also influences the effects by interacting with cannabinoids.

    You can learn more under the products tab on our website. It will provide you a detailed guide about each product labels, allergen information, pricing, shelf life and legal amount of carrying cannabis.

    You are able to have a maximum of 30 grams (about one ounce) of dried cannabis (or equivalent) in public at any time. One gram of dried cannabis is equal (equivalent) to: 5 grams of fresh cannabis.

    It is illegal to smoke in confined public spaces. However, you can consume it in public, subject to compliance with federal and provincial guidelines.

    ou can get complete information about cannabis consumption laws in Ontario at the following websites: